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Hand washing paste refers to a cleaning product designed for hand washing, particularly for removing dirt, grime, and grease from your hands. This paste contains natural abrasive particles to help scrub away tough stains and substances. They can be especially useful for individuals who work in industries where their hands get heavily soiled, such as automotive repair, construction, or mechanics.

How to use:
Wet Your Hands:
Begin by wetting your hands thoroughly with water.

Apply the Paste:
Squeeze a small amount of the hand washing paste onto your wet hands. The amount you need may vary depending on how dirty your hands are.

Rub and Scrub:
Rub your hands together, making sure to work the paste into all areas of your hands, including between your fingers and under your nails. The abrasive particles in the paste help to scrub away dirt and grime effectively.

Continue Scrubbing:
Continue scrubbing your hands for about 20-30 seconds or until you are satisfied that your hands are clean.

Rinse your hands thoroughly with clean, running water. Make sure to remove all the paste and any loosened dirt and grime.

Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dryer.

It is important to follow the instructions provided on the product's packaging for the best results. It may be harsh on the skin , so if you have sensitive skin or experience any irritation, consider using a hand washing paste designed for sensitive skin or using gloves while cleaning.
Additionally, if you are using a hand washing paste in a workplace, follow any safety guidelines or regulations set by your employer for hand hygiene practices.